Balanced Audio Technology BAT
VK-D5SE CD player with tubes
Written in 2006, updated in September 2010

This is one of the best CD players ever made. Well built, all design is
optimized for perfect analog-like sound.
Digital output quality can rival the best transports. It goes without
saying that it has balanced XLR and RCA
True balanced topology from one of the best designers in the industry.
Four Burr-Brown PCM63-K DAC chips and tubed output stage.
Upgrading the BATVK5 SE ? How is it possible ?
The tubes have been upgraded from 6N30P to much better in my opinion 6N6P -
liquid, more smooth, natural, analog, true. A big difference confirmed
by tens of users.
Tubes are 6 mo old, matched and tested. By comparison so called
"super-tube" 6N30P sounds a little harsh, flat and glassy.
The player was mint, bought in Germany, The sound has awesome
authority, reality, 3-dimensional sound stage and thrilling "they are
here" illusion.
PMD-100 digital filter with optional upgrade to much better
after-market chip - Burr-Brown DF1704DE which can be added for 80 Eu
from ASD-Audiotuning
company from Germany.
It has more liquid, natural and bass-powerfull sound. It is a plug-in
replacement - easy to do- in the dill socket. In fact this mod
transforms this player beyond recognition in very positive way.
Who needs HDCD anyway ?
Is BAT VK5D-SE the best player there is ?
Well, not really. It's sound does not beat some of my lampized players
10 times less. It is OK but there is something holding it back. I guess
it must be the I/U conversion not optimized. and I think that 6H6P is
not optimally chosen tube. The product is in it's own
The weak point is the Philips transport - it is very good sounding and
reliable, but feels flimsy especially when the tray opens - it is
soft and not smooth,
feels like a cheap drawer. You must accept it as part of the total
package. Original superb remote is fantastic. (original price 500
Total original price was 7500 USD plus USA to EU customs and shipping.
My unit manufactured in y. 2000. Made In USA.
5 years later:
One BAT landed in my home for the HDCD chip removal and
I was very very impressed with the sound after the chip job. The BAT
does something spectacular - it makes fantastic 3D show, it is
the AVATAR of CD players.
Probably it is the best stock player I ever heard (not counting
And after looking inside hundreds of players - I must admit that the
fact that BAT has a cheap Philips VAL1250 mechanism is a huge
advantage. Sophisticated CD mechanisms are impossible to replace theese