Kenwood DP 8010

Lampized in summer 2008

This is yet another fantastic example of good engineering back in the 90-ties and 80-ties. From all companies (not counting the real exotic ones) the best two - head and shoulders above the whole bunch of others - were Sony and Kenwood.
Almost any product from them around 1989 - was a piece of art.
Kenwood 8010 is no exception. One of their best models ever made. Feature wise - it was the top. Mechanically - the top. Only the DAC could have been better than PCM58 from Burr Brown. I mean it is a great DAC but not as good as TDA1541 or PCM63. Anyway - that was my first lampization of the monophonic, I out DAC PCM58 (18 bit machine).
I am sure that in the eyes of Kenwood people, at that time this DAC was considered the top of the top.
At the same time I had in my home also the direct competitor - Sony CDP338 ESD but mechanically and electrically - I prefer the Kenwood. It is in another quality class.

Kenwood CDP-8010

As all players of that era - this one is black and made of metal everywhere. Design is very spartan but elegant. Nothing to complain, but nothing to applaud either.

Kenwood DP-8010

PLAY, skip, stop and open buttons are large and easy to find. I like that  ! Some buttons even have a back-lit function. I like that too!!!

Kenwood DP-8010

The mechanism is an adorable wonder machine with all metal construction, magnetic rail tracking and generally the best mechanism ever made. I was drooling about it already in the similar Kenwood DP9010x.
At the moment of writing - that is my top pick of transport mechanisms. Only the lasers do tend to fail after circa 20 years.

Kenwood CDP-8010

I found the new place for the lampizator transformer and you can see the AC input board with 3 blue MOV transient suppressers and white choke for RFI filtering.
The MOVs also play the role of capacitors for RFI.

Kenwood DP-8010

The silver cans above are shields over the DAC chips. There are two PCM58 - one per channel, and each has this can. They also play the role of heat-sinks.
I never noticed the heat to be a problem, and I don't detect RFI problems - but anyhow - Kenwood decided to use cans. I assume it does not hurt.

But it does not make lampization easier.
I have left the cans in place and I performed all work underneath the PCB.

Kenwood DP-8010

S you can see, the PCB is very nice. No SMD, all parts in nice order, each section is clearly described by silk-screen. Part selection is good but not exotic. Most digital parts come from Sony.
No philips influence in sight. Also the mechanism is a direct cousin of the Sony KSS190A.

Kenwood DP-8010

This chip is the master processor I think. I cant find the datasheet.

Kenwood DP-8010

In the third can there is the clock. It is so well done - I suggest to LEAVE IT ALONE and do not connect after market clocks.
The crystal quartz is soft suspended, dampened, screened and generally well taken care of. It also has own regulator with clean 5V.


Out of desperation I mounted the toroid by hot melt glue and secured it with a cord. I know it is very crude and vulgar.

The power supply with one huge grey can - a 30 uF/400 VDC  paper in oil capacitor  and the whole lampizator circuit fit in the place where the DAC PCB used to be .
I have moved the PCB to the centre of the player and i have suspended it above the digital board.

The lampization goes like this:
current outputs of the DAC get floated
I out goes directly to tube grid.
From tube grid to ground goes the R Conv = 250 Ohms
Scheme is SRPP, tube is 6N2P (6H2pi)
Resistors in cathodes are 150 Ohms.
U supply - 150 VDC from 120 VAC
I tube is circa 0,85 mA.
Output via capacitors MKT 2,2 uF to RCA sockets.

The SONY digital demodulator

The sound:
This sound is very neutral. Nothing stands out, nothing offends. Nothing is missing. It is a nice sound, detailed, musical and accurate. But I had higher expectations. I hoped the player would keep me up all night. Unfortunately - it did not.
Don't get me wrong - it is a great player by any standard, but I heard more exciting players before.

I will work a little more, maybe trying different scenarios and parts.