Transport WT3200
January 2008
Man oh man, I am running in circles. Marantz, philips, philips, marantz
- even Naim and Creek and Cambridge - all is a Philips/Marantz.
I need fresh air !
I need inspiration.
I want a macho USA machine. No more crap !!!
I want the king of all CD players, the ultimate, the heavy, the
expensive, the legendary, the cool, the ruthless, the mean.
(well, I shouldn't have sold my own 850 back 5 years ago in the first
So when the opportunity arrived - I could not resist. Miss
America is asking me for a date.
Open kimono time! what is in the Wadia?!

Some company background: Wadia is a USA company, well known for 2
decades as a maker who stops at nothing to build the WORLD'S BEST CD.
At least they try. The price tag is for wealthy snobs - from 6 to 25 K.
This could build 25 wells in Sahara but anyway, we are not about
demagogy/politics here, we want the truth about Audio, don't we?
The message of Wadia is I AM SOLID. So the company invested huge money
in so called CRC aluminium tooling, and as the first company ever
started making housings which looked sort of like routed from a solid
cube of metal. And the fit tolerances were such that even a virus
wouldn't go through the casing joints. These players are IP67 in
engineering terms ;-) if you know what I mean.
The Wadia makes a HUGE impression on the first time "looker". My
specimen here is a very old one, but starting from W16 - things got
I am kidding you not - if you are a metal fetishist like myself - Wadia
has no equal.
To fill this expensive housing and to justify the price ticket - they
had to DIFFER. They could not use off the shelve components, that was
impossible. The marketing drive of Wadia is very strong. Their product
So they wrote some proprietary software and programmed their digital
filter to be unique. (need I mention how much was written about this in
their white papers and hi-fi press???)
On the ground of this they called the whole thing a computer. Kind of
overstatement, but it sold.
Concerning transports - they tried to use the best, and used all kinds
of TEAC VRDS (which is a Sony) from plastic ones to metal cast ones,
and also some pioneer stable platters.
Wadia's hallmark was an XLR (mandatory) and also "digital volume
control" that was supposed not to degrade sound (bullshit, I had one
Wadia and I know it DOES degrade quality quite dramatically, at least
more than a decent pot.)
At that time - Wadia had only one serious competitor in the domain of
super-CD players - THETA also from USA. But Theta chose a different
route: instead of investing 90 % resources in casing, they built custom
modified Laserdisk machines. The mechanics of those was absolutely from
another league. But THETA is not yet examined by my good self.

This is a dedicated transport machine, and I decided with its owner
that we will make a fully integrated CD player out of it. We will fit
the DAC inside.
But first - I had to sniff around a little..............

Holy shit as they would probably say in Wadia's homeland. This player
is a ... Philips 960 transport ! This is a Japanese Marantz!! Or I am
on drugs ! Same CDM1 mk1 transport, Marantz display (cd94mk1) and the
standard PCB.
I need to wake up. This is not happening.

Under the magnifying glass, there is NOTHING AT ALL that deviates from
the Marantz. Not one smallest cap or resistor. No blackgates, no
proprietary soft, it is a Marantz.
Not look alike.
Not similar,
Not "based on Marantz"
It IS A MARANTZ. Period.
(well, minus 90 % of the buttons and functions.)
It reacts of course to Philips standard remote, so no proprietary servo
here as well. Not even a superclock.
Does it mean that it is bad - no, on the contrary, it is a hell of a
transport. But just fitting the alu face plate does not justify the 5x
price difference. They could have done better.

This is an after market upgrade with AT&T optical transmitter, a
1500 USD gimmick if memory serves me.
But with gasoline for 89 c a gallon - they could afford these gizmos
back in the 91 ........

Look - even the writing says JAPAN, not USA.

I admit I like the amber filtered display a lot more than the UUUgly
greenish one from Marantz.

Good screening with copper galvanized steel cages.
Comparison against my best transport at hand - SONY 190A assembly
inside Sony CD555ESD player (after my ken x9010 died it lost the title
of worlds best transport).
The DAC at hand was a Lampucera 1,0 with heavy tuning.
10 switching between the two and they seem identical. The SONY has a
much nicer mechanism, the drawer, the opening movement, the display -
all is a whole class better "feeling".
But sound is similar.
Finally, I identified that the deepest bass has better definition on
Wadia, and is overblown and a liiiittle bit uncontrolled on Sony.
I had very slight subjective overall preference for Wadia's magic
soundscape and hair rising factor. Very small difference but I tell you
as it was.
The difference is of similar nature and magnitude as changing digital
cables. Very small that is.
Overall, this is one of the best transports in existence, probably the
VRDS machines do not sound better, and even if they do - the VRDS/Sony
parts are impossible to find as spares. This WT3200 is easy to repair
and it should work forever. Of course - they need a belt service every
10 years or so, as every CDM1 transport. The Marantz 95 which it really
is - is cheaper and better looking, but it will not be a Wadia. So your
snobbish part will want Wadia anyway. Considering all pros and cons -
is a winner. Just be careful - how much you will pay. If you already
have it - keep it !
Lampization story to be continued .....