This player definitely deserves it's almost legendary status. First top
model CD
from Naim, the British legend of transistor amplification. Two box
player with
separate power supply. The main unit is built around Philips parts: CDM
4/25 mechanism hung on a spring suspension and electronic PCB with
Philips parts, including a superb DAC TDA1541A S1 Single Crown.
NAIM workede almost exclusively with this chip untill it was ceased by
Philips. Then NAIM moved to use the Burr Brown 1702 and 1404. Not bad
choice either.
I would go as far as saying, that NAIM used the TDA in BEST possible
way of application. Untill now I havent seen a better job done on this
DAC chip.
Having said that - the NAIP output stages are so horrible, that they
destroy all the good quality of the digital section. So you have a
Porsche Turbo with permanently applied handbrake. What a shame !!!!!!!
Construction is from circa 1989
and it
uses 4 op-amps in the output stage. It is a non conventional
two-box approach, where the bottom box contains raw power supply. Yes,
the CD player which consumes soething like 10 watts of power has
a 15 kilograms of - 500 VA power supply, bigger than most amplifiers
Is it an overkill? Sure. Is it marketing? Sure. Does that make sense?
It does not hurt. Does it improve sound? MArginally perhaps. Where this
machine excells constructionwise is the PCB layout. The grounding, the
regulation, the capacitors, the layout, - everything is from the best
league, head and shoulders above the Philips / Marantz machines of that
This CDP sound is very dynamic, rhytmical, natural sounding. I love it
both before and even more - after lampization.
Because this player is so legendary we decided to use external
lampizator without (almost) any tweaking of the original player. Mod is

How informative dislpay! Whoaa! (very funny) But at least it is VISIBLE
from a distance, unlike most japanese displays made for people who sit
1 m from their stereo system.

The naim, lampized, driving the ARG mono OTL amplifiers (balanced but
running SE).

The speakers are - you guessed right - my own Project7. Vifa plus

Squeezing too many parts in a too-small of a box.

Lampizator ready to go.

A cool implementation of
standard Philips CDM4/25 mechanism. (hard to get this sucker) I found a
donor - a cheap Philips CDP-614 but your 614 may have a different
mechanism - nothing is guaranteed at Philips.
Here - in top-loader form - suspended on 3 springs. Very funny.
Note the mini magnetic puck. Loose it - and you are done.

Naim famous pushbuttons - the elevator cabin style. Very funny.

Back-lit naim logo. Very narcistic (and funny)

The green PCB is screaming "NAIM job !!!". I don't know any other maker
so fanatical about star grounding, tantalum caps and regulation by
(did I tell you that I consider the whole NAIM system - amps, preamp
and speakers - to be the worst sound in entire high-end universe ?!?)
I think that using tantalum caps is a decisive factor in creation of
NAIM house sound.
BUT - back to the goodies:
Check out - 13 voltage regulators (lying three-legged squares) each one
- high end Linear Technologies LM317 - best of the best.
All caps are ultra sophisticated tantalum (orange heads)
Opamps - the best of the best at that time - OP42
The caps around DAC - all kosher MKP's
All small filtering caps - polystyrenes (best of the best)
The whole PCB is spring suspended (as well as the mechanism) - very

The only logical upgrade would be the clock - there is a standard one
although a
real Philips - not a noname.
We could fix here a superclock.
After one year I really feel sorry - I did not perform the NOS
conversion. It really allows this player to improve A GREAT DEAL ! It
should be obbligatory even without any other tweaking or lampization.
Just say one - two - three and cut 3 tracks on the PCB.

Another idea for "upgrading the non-upgradable" - to replace the
100 nF caps (silver blocks in 2 rows) with 470 nF MKP type.

The underside of the beast. The PRE-Autocad era PCB.

In the centre - DAC legs solder points. Note the legs 6 and 25 - have
the signal traces going inside the solder rectangle of the legs
from the outputs of the DAC to the far left - to analog stage. Thats
what we must cut. (red marks)
First, I did the lampization with I/U conversion by using first opamp
(a half chip). The sound improved a lot and the job of hooking-up was
very quick. The PCB is so neat it is easy to find what is what.
After one year - with more hours spent inside CD players on my clock -
I took this baby for a second spin. This time - I/U by a resistor.
Whhhooooaa. My friends. Thats it. The NAIM kicked ass of all other
players and equalized with the Grundig 9009. Who knows - bass is even
better from the Naim. Oh my goodness, I was blown away.
I cut the tracks of the PCB leading from legs 6 and 25 of the dac,
soldered resistors to ground (60 Ohm) and took the signal to lampizator
by (this time - convenient !) DIN plug and cable.
THis is high end at its best.
Am I too pikcy? What BUT !?
The BUT means that for the NAIM you pay pay pay. 1000 Euros for a 20
year old machine as a minimum, or even more. This machine usually sells
for 2000 GBP. There are 5 other NAIM players like for example the CD3
that have same digital guts and even better mechanism CDM9. But also
hard to get cheaply.
And basically it is nothing more than a Philips for 50 Euro. With a 10
Euro tweaking and cap tuning - we can get 95% of NAIM sound from any
cheapest Philips or Marantz 40. Even from Philips 304 Mk2. So the
recommendation is conditional - that you know what you are buying.
By coincident I stumbled upon a oner box variant of this player called
CDI. It is a kind of squeezed in CDS-1. I did not lampize it but
nevertheless I post the photos for the curious ones.

And now - my beloved bambino
NAIM: the flattest CD on earth with sound from category ZERO after
Ladies and
gentlemen - here comes CD3 !!! GET IT IF

On the picture you can see the inside of CD3. The TDA has no crown, but
who cares. The mechanism is a FANTASTIC CDM9. It is so simple and good
that I recommend it very much. Genius at work !
The small transformer and the tube is from me.
With just one Siemens ECC801S it sounds so much better than the stock
player that I can not tell you. Lampization thrashes the NAIM 4-opamp
per channel analog stage. Even if the op-amps are the best, and
application is the best, it looses to the tube in every imaginable
Add to this the NOS cut and there you have a dream player. Definitely
in my top 5 worldwide.

The yellow wire are the NOS conversion and the trace cuts are marked