One of the best CDP so far...Summer 2006
This is one of the most interesting products I ever
saw. The company Copland (Danish or Swedish) is well known for their
amps, but
their first CD has surprised everybody. The build quality was REAL high
end , not fake marketing style.
Inside the Copland 289 CDA
Looking inside - you will find
the best designed and best laid out construction possible. Everyhing is
As a CD doctor I must say this is the best construction I have seen so
far, and there are some more solid and more copper-clad CDs out there
but they are too much of the good thing. Copland only makes superb
things where and when it matters. BRAVO.
It has the mighty musical Burr Brown PCM63K dacs, two per channel in
paralell, superb precise clock (no need to install the masterclock),
the input digital filter is the famous Pacific
Microsonics PMD 100 with a co-processor, and the player has in
total 6 power supplies plus two after lampization. It is
built like a dream. Like nothing in it's price point. And it looks
great, very neat and elegant design. I would argue that aesthetically
this has the best taste
design of all CD because of its simplicity, ergonomy and
elegance. Like a gentlemen - he knows how to keep low
profile and not flash.
Many high end constructions are real bad-taste monsters. Like Chevy
Camaro with tuning and dark windows.
Adding the Sowter transformers after the DACs and before the tubes
resulted in fantastic sound, detailed, delicate, mature, musical and
clean. The transformers enabled me to make balanced outputs. Bass must
be the lowest I ever heard. I don't know if it is the feature of ther
DAC chip or the transformers, but if you wanna really to plumb
the depthts of the bass, this player has no equal.

The silver cans are the Sowter transformers amplifying the voltage by
19 times (reducing the current also 19 times).

Heatsinks of power supplies.
Lampiuzator installation in the
Copland CD289

Lampizator connected for testing.

The back plate is prepared for drilling - covered with masking tape and
all holes are layed out. there is plenty of room for the lampizator
devices inside.

I glued the power supply filter capacitors to the transformer body.
There are four capacitors plus one main (bottom right corner) - to
serve four phases of the signal independently.

Everything is ready except of the tubes. Sockets are installed on 3 cm

Now the tubes are in place. Everything fits perfectly.

The back side after the modification.
The sound is phenomenal. The lows move my entire room. This is the high
end at it's limits!
These UK made signal transformers, based on the permalloy cores,
amplify the miniscule signal coming out of the DAC chips to the levels
acceptable for the tube stage. The transformers also perform the role
of analog filters (get rid of the digital square wave artifacts) and
the current to voltage converters.
IMPORTANT NOTE for Sowter users: The factory-provided schematics from
Sowter shows the primary winding of the transformer connected in series
with the DAC output (current) and paralelled with one resistor
(25 Ohm). This resistor is UN-NECESSARY ! It has no role here. The DAC
happy playing into the transformer winding. No need for the resistor
(considered wrongly by many tweakers to be I/V converter). Remove
the resistor and you will get a much more dynamic sound. IMHO that's an
error on the Sowter side.
is a job done by an apprentiece of mine - softerized and single
ended version of CDP-228:

Also see other Sowter applications: